Saturday, March 27, 2010

Back to the 2D!

Here I go, turning the Animation Bus around again and heading for the 2D on-ramp on the production freeway. I have decided to go this direction in order to give my brand new Cintiq a workout and see if its possible for me to make a "paperless" production. I have a handful of programs available to help me do this and it looks like I will have a bunch of free time available in April to work on making this film.

The Cintiq is like having a animation light table that you can draw images right on the monitor screen. This is the most natural way of drawing as opposed to drawing to the side of your body while looking at the screen with a normal Wacom tablet. I am using ToonBoom 4.5 to do the animation in and hoping to composite some elements into After Effects to give it a different look.

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