Sunday, August 2, 2009

Rough Scene_012

I am starting off this project by animating scenes out of sequence. Beginning with the Farmer and his pig. This helps me get use to drawing the characters and keep them on model.
Here's a rough of Scene_12, featuring the Farmer and his pig. At the beginning of the scene, the Farmer is listening to someone off screen. He looks down at the pig and makes a decision to hand over the pig. The pig starts off listening too, but then realizes he doesn't like what's going on. This might not all come together, but the main thing is trying to get the scene to read, even if its very slight.


  1. Hey there! Thanks for commenting on my animation process short! You asked me what process I enjoy most in flash? I rarely use puppeting animation in flash becasue I think it makes characters look robotic and lifeless. I enjoy doing traditional animation in flash more because it's faster and I can still get the same result as if I was drawing on paper. Plus I like making characters move with my own right hand rather than tweening every part of their body. I don't know why people think that is more simplier. There's at least 20 layers for just one character!

  2. nice meeting youtoday, its good to see some 2d work once i get out of school i want go back and do some 2d, i miss the sound of the pencil on animation paper

  3. Hey Jim! Nice stuff here, it's good to see some old school techniques. I would love to do more 2d work...perhaps after this 3d thing settles down :). Interested to see where this short goes...
